From Loss to Legacy: Embracing the New Year with Purpose

The New Year—a time often synonymous with fresh starts and hopeful resolutions—can feel profoundly different when you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. While the world around you celebrates the promise of new beginnings, you might find yourself grappling with the ache of their absence and the uncertainty of moving forward without them.

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Kate MollisonComment
Sudden vs. Anticipated Loss: Differences in the Grieving Process

Grief is a universal experience, yet no two people grieve in exactly the same way. The nature of the loss can significantly shape how one processes and copes with grief. One of the most defining factors is whether the loss was sudden or anticipated. Both types of loss bring their own unique challenges and emotions, and understanding these differences can help in navigating the grieving process.

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Kate MollisonComment
Guilt and Regret After a Loved One’s Death

The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most profound challenges. It brings with it a whirlwind of emotions—sorrow, confusion, and sometimes even anger. Among these emotions, guilt and regret often stand out, casting a long shadow over the grieving process. These feelings can be overwhelming, making it difficult to move forward. But understanding them is the first step toward healing.

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Kate MollisonComment
Joy Amidst Grief: two sides of the same coin

Grief, with its crushing weight and unrelenting presence, often seems to leave little room for any other emotions. Yet, in the midst of mourning a profound loss, many people find themselves experiencing moments of joy, laughter, and even happiness. This unexpected intrusion of positive emotions can bring with it a heavy burden of guilt, leaving those in grief feeling conflicted and confused.

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Kate MollisonComment
Demystifying Death: Superstitions and how they can help heal

In the labyrinth of human existence, death has always loomed as an enigmatic force, shrouded in mystery and superstition. Throughout history, cultures around the world have crafted intricate beliefs and rituals to navigate the transition from life to whatever lies beyond. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the intricate tapestry of superstitions surrounding death.

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Single Parent vs Solo Parent

The term “Solo Parent” means that you have 100% sole responsibility for every aspect of your family unit. There is no support simply because, your spouse is deceased. Guest Author J. Lewis III gives insight into his experience with parenting after loss.

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Kate MollisonComment
The Ripple Effect: Grief & Secondary Loss

Grief is a complex and deeply personal experience, often accompanied by a range of emotions and challenges. While many are familiar with the primary loss—the initial event or death that triggers the grieving process—there's another aspect of grief that is equally important yet often overlooked: secondary loss.

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Kate MollisonComment
Having the Death you deserve: End of life support options

Dealing with the end of life can be difficult, You’re processing the inevitability of your loved one’s death and trying to learn on the fly all the things you’ll need to manage now that the end is in sight. How do you decide which supports to use? what’s available to you? When can you access end of life care? and did you know that something called a “Death Doula” exists? Many think that the only option is Hospice, but let’s take a closer look at what a Death Doula is, and how it differs from Hospice.

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Kate MollisonComment
PART 2- Where there's a will, there's a way

Trust me, you're going to want to read this…..

What is a Trust? Well, in terms of Estate planning and Probate, a Trust is a legal way of designating ownership over funds & assets. It is best described by Fidelity as a "fiduciary arrangement that allows third parties or trustees to hold assets on behalf of beneficiaries". Still confused? I don't blame you, let's dig a little deeper…..

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Kate MollisonComment
Where there's a Will, there's a way

Many people know what a Will is, or at least they think they do, but what they don’t know is the other legal pieces that operate in tandem with a Will. It’s called an “Estate Plan” and it can be quite complex. In this 3 part series, we will break down each piece and talk about some tips to make the process as seamless as possible.

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Kate MollisonComment
Father's Day-Part 2

I had the unique and incredible opportunity to speak with 5 individuals about their dad and the impact these men had on their lives. While all of the people I spoke to had varying relationships with their fathers, each of them conveyed a fondness and reverence for the values that these men instilled into them. I asked each of them how their fathers shaped who they are as adults, as parents, and as humans, looking to see where the ripples would potentially fall for my own children.

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